Yes, we save the animals through artwork!

Yes, we save the animals through artwork!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010


O.k. part of the Kelly passions are to save animals. The kids are finally finished with their penny wars. This has been an ongoing game where each of the kids has a jar. They needed to fill it with pennies. But, they could fill the other one's jar with silver to "negate" how many pennies were collected. In the end, the one with the most value, wins ( got the idea from my awesome sister).

Anyway, it is over. We just need to count the "loot" and decide on what endangered animal to "adopt."

I love their passion!!

P.s. I just put some jewelry on the showcase (which means I pay $7 to have them more noticed). Hope it works!!! I just want to give back and creating jewelry for a cause is the only way I can think of that will work...... wish me luck.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My Prodige'

It is Sunday morning. Chris and Jacob went surfing (Jordy and I took a pass). We were there yesterday and Friday. Not to say that we wouldn't want to indulge in that passion again, but sometimes I do have to get a little of "life" done.

Anyways, I am puttering and working on various work stuff (starting two classes on the 30th, a little nervous), taking pictures of new jewelry, planning meals for September, and making french toast for Jordy.

I look outside to the back porch and see her designing a necklace. She says that she wants to use it as an example for Emmie (her buddy), when she has a jewelry class here (that is a new one to me!).

Anyway, too cute!!

The boys are home. Off to jump in the pool, hopefully get a little exercise in, then going to watch the new Kelly Slater film at the IMAX. Topping off the day with Chris's hockey game. Incidentally, I am not cooking and we are going out!!

My passions continue.........

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Late Night!

O.k, I am home from underwater hockey. Tough game, very intense. Yes, it is a wacky sport, but so fun!!! It is 11:45 pm and I am supposed to be working. So not motivated right now. I did get the minimum done, but my grading is lagging for this week.

As far as Monica's Passions, not much time to work on them today. Cleaned out art closet, prepped for a meeting with one of my professors next week, and had a blowout about Jordyn's room (oops! did I say that out loud?) I love my children and have the utmost patience for them always and everyday!!! It is late and I am delirious! O.k., the first part is genuine.

The day did end in a great way, with friends coming over to swim and BBQ. I definitely kept is easy (not very healthy) and no muss ( I was determined to leave by 7:00 to go to hockey). Bad friend, but I think they understand.

Before I start rambling because it is so late, I will post a picture of some funky necklaces that I am working on. I am not sure what inspired this, but I think they are spunky!!

O.k. off to work.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I am trying to get this thing?

O.k., social networking in real life is tough enough. Trying to do this on the computer is very challenging for me. I am not sure why. I am fairly intelligent and I do tend to "get it." However, what is my problem about keeping up with facebook, blogging, my own jewelry site?

Could it be that I am too busy working on my online classes (ironic that they involve the dreaded technology). Or, is it that I am looking at planning my next day's lesson for my own children? Or, better yet, I should be using free time for my daily devotions. Realistically, could it mean that I am just "burned out" from talking, chatting, communicating, etc via internet, voicemail, snail mail, text, and phone? I sit down and really don't feel like "chatting" anymore. But, there is something alluring and intriguing about this. I am going to try it!! Who knows, maybe I will post more often than once a year!!!!!